Saturday, July 07, 2007



Okay, I want to start this by saying that I do believe in the majority of the causes that these huge cause concerts promote. I mean who doesn't want peace, freedom for Tibet, Africa fed, or climate stability? But the simple truth is that the world is still at war, Tibet is not free, and Africa has actually become worse!

The Live Earth Hypocrisy

Now today we have Live Earth. Multiple rock concerts uniting to spread knowledge to the word about what we can do to conserve energy. Does anybody know how much energy is needed to hold these concerts? The lighting, the amps, the satellite feeds, the 2 billion TV sets being used to watch this spectacle are actually hurting the very cause that they are promoting! Using mass amounts of hydro to spread the message of conserving energy just doesn't make sense to me.

Rock N' Roll Will Not Save The World

As a music lover I hate this fact, as a human I am forced to accept it. The only thing that can solve the problems created by people are the people themselves. Currently most of the problems are being created by the 1st world nations. If we really want to change the world, we must look within ourselves. How many of us are willing to go into work on Monday and quit because we know that our companies are part of the problem by polluting the environment, exploiting cheap labour, or inventing / producing harmful products? How many of us protest or write to our governments and demand change after becoming aware of various problems? How many of us are willing to stop using our air conditioners, and cars, or really do any of the other actions that will help? Not too many of us, including myself. We all have bills to pay, or don't know who to contact in our governments, or want to risk going to jail for protesting, or we don't want to walk, or be uncomfortably warm. Until we are willing to sacrifice ourselves, or take a stand then nothing will ever change. And that is the real problem. Until we change ourselves we will never be in the position to change the world.

Now I don't want you to think that I am standing on a soapbox pointing my finger at you. I am guilty of being part of the problem as much as anybody. I will pay $45 to play golf, $36 for a case of beer, or pay $12 to see a movie. Yet I don't sponsor a child, or take 10 minutes to send an e-mail to my local government representative. All I am trying to say is that these big concerts do not work, and anybody who truly wants to instigate change will have to find a different medium.

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