Friday, December 08, 2006

Tis The Season...

I wasn't sure which of these two images best described what the holiday season has become so I posted them both. I think they are both genius in their simplicity. Perhaps the one on the right is more true than the one on the left, but they are both pretty good.

Not too much new with me personally, but I have a couple of rants to go on. I also found a pretty funny video that combines Star Trek and Nine Inch Nails. It is offensive in language, so be sure that there is not any impressionable youth in the room when you play it.

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

First off I would like to personally thank the world for not subjecting me to the debate on whether it should be the Holiday Tree or the Christmas Tree. 8 days in and I haven't heard a thing. Perhaps we have all finally gotten over it.

I recently listened to the song We Wish You A Merry Christmas and was really taken back by the attitude that this prick had. I'll start from the beginning:

We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ok, we're off to a good start. Well wishing, good manners, very nice.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
WOW! Adding in my kin. This guy is all class!

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Sure, I want to be a good host. No problem.
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer
Alright, now he's taking liberties by expecting booze. I'll offer you what I have and I ask you to please be courteous.

We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here
Alright, Jackass! You went too far. I appreciate the well wishes, but now you are just being rude. Don't make me call the authorities, or force me to remove you physically. Is this really the type of neighborhood that I live in! GOD!

We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Too little, too late. Just get out!

John Lennon

Well today's the anniversary of John Lennon's death. Sales of Catcher in the Rye have never been better! Just kidding, it was a terrible loss. However, I feel his legend is probably far from the truth as far as the way he was as a person. Now from this point on I am probably not going to be winning many friends, but here it goes. This guy sang about no possessions but owned a Rolls Royce and lived in the entire top floor of the Dakota. In fact his first (and most talented) son has been left out of the fortune that John acquired. This does not sound like a man who held the courage of his convictions. I could go on, but not today.

Enough negative. This man is responsible for some of the best music that came out of the last century. Perhaps of all time. The loss of a man like this knows no bounds. Everybody should listen to Elton John's "Empty Garden" this weekend and reflect.

The Videos

2 videos for you guys. The Star Trek one contains foul language and shows Spock trying to violate Kirk. I thought it was funny.

The second one is another claymation video about the Adams Family. Enjoy.

That's all for today. Next time I'll try to be a little more cheery.



Anonymous said...

I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?

Anonymous said...

Went back in time. Hilarious Daryl